I don’t know how to start a blog.
Maybe an introduction is best.
Hello, I’m Leesa Johnson. I’m a 50 year old woman who lives in
No, I don’t think that’s the best way to start a blog.
Maybe details might be better.
I’m married to a man I haven’t seen in about 10 years. He was a drinker, a drug abuser and a hitter. He regularly went to jail and totaled vehicles. I finally walked out. I plan to divorce him in the next few months. I kept hoping he would die and I wouldn’t have to do that but so far that hasn’t worked out.
I have no children. That was not my choice. I had a foster son for six years. He came to me as an infant, a crack baby. He went back to his Momma at age 7. I thought I would die. I didn’t and right now he’s asleep on my couch, 15 and on a summer break from school. He doesn’t know it, but I would give my life for him.
I was in the Marine Corps for 10 years. I was fearless in my twenties. Truth be told, I’m still fearless.
I have also worked as a retail manager, a case worker in the welfare system, a secretary, a photographer, an editor in the porn industry and as a re-set specialist for retail stores.
I grew up in
I take photographs. A lot of them.
I live with a man named Roger. I think he is the most wonderful man on the planet. I am very lucky he loves me. We’ve been together for years. I got a wild hair up my butt one day and decided to move to
I have a dog. His name is Henry. He’s wonderful too. He’s an Australian cattle dog and came from an animal rescue in southern
I guess I figured out what to write. This is the “I” blog. The Introduction. I’ll try not to do so many “I”s in the future.
P.S. We finally had a good rain here in